itunes store

美 [ˈaɪˈtjuːnz stɔːr]英 [aɪ'tju:nz stɔː(r)]
  • 网络音乐商店;苹果商店
itunes storeitunes store
  1. Apple Inc. 's iTunes store offers shorts for sale , but few filmmakers sell more than token numbers .


  2. Every Tuesday , starting around 12 a.m. Eastern Time , Apple offers a free Single of the Week on its iTunes store . This week it 's ' D é j à Vu ' by Coco Jones .


  3. • the app store market model came out of the iTunes Store


  4. The iTunes Store , which saved the music industry .


  5. Free videos from other schools are available at the Apple iTunes store .


  6. No wonder more than 11,000 people bought it from the iTunes store .


  7. The company 's iTunes store counts a staggering 800 million active users .


  8. In its first week , the iTunes store sold more than 1 million tracks .


  9. • iTunes Store : Sales of $ 1.4 billion


  10. In april of 2003 , Apple launches the iTunes store ,


  11. In less than a year , every major label had signed up to the Apple iTunes store .


  12. Apple introduced the iTunes store and Skype began charging pennies for online calling .


  13. Rising digital music sales , mostly through Apple 's iTunes store , have not nearly made up for these losses .


  14. But downloads fell 2 per cent to $ 3.93bn - the first annual decline since Apple launched its iTunes store in 2003 .


  15. • the iTunes Store came from iTunes which came first to the MAC as a media sync tool for the iPod


  16. It lifted the struggling computer maker to a new level and led to the wildly successful iTunes store and a line of popular mobile devices .


  17. While the company 's iconic iPod is popular in Asia , Apple 's iTunes store remains out of reach of most Asian consumers .


  18. Apple nicked the music market from under the noses of record labels by adding the iTunes Store to software running iPod music players .


  19. Once in a while , albums are available to stream for free about a week before they 're available for purchase in the iTunes Store .


  20. Users that have downloaded lots of apps , not to mention other media from the iTunes store , may find themselves locked into using an iPhone .


  21. Plenty of people still prefer purchasing music a la Apple Inc. 's iTunes Store , where there aren 't restrictions due to streaming or subscriptions .


  22. In this tutorial , you will implement a simple but practical Pivot application that allows a user to execute searches against the contents of the iTunes Store .


  23. The winner is determined by viewers by voting through telephone , Internet , SMS text , and iTunes Store purchases of artists ' performances .


  24. Apple 's success , for example , stems from its ability to tap into existing users by offering not only new devices but added services such as the iTunes store .


  25. Apple executive Jeff Robbin , who was behind the iPod and iTunes Store , is reportedly'now guiding Apple 's internal development of the new TV effort ' .


  26. And at the Apple iTunes store , four of the top 10 paid medical apps are currently baby-related , including My Baby 's Beat , Baby Connect and Baby Heartbeats .


  27. Released in June , Apple Music is the company 's attempt to carry its dominance of digital music through its iTunes store into the era of music streaming pioneered by Spotify and others .


  28. People can use the iPhone and buy applications on Apple 's iTunes store by unlocking the device with software that enables it to work with any network operator , even if they aren 't approved by Apple .


  29. It turned out that opening the iPod to Windows users led to explosive growth of the music player and the iTunes Store , an ecosystem that would later contribute to the success of the iPhone .


  30. The iPhone 5S-in luxury-styled gold , silverand dark gray-will include a fingerprint scanner called Touch ID that allowsusers to unlock their phones or make purchases from Apple 's iTunes store bytouching the home button .
